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sopravvivere al troppo

192 pp.
EAN 9788889490778
surviving excess

Today, wherever one turns, excess is unavoidable. You might be driving your car or watching TV, eating your lunch or sunbathing on the beach, attending a conference or sipping a coffee at the bar, on a plane or buying your groceries, abundance inevitably haunts you.
Far more dramatic and disturbing is that such an excess – in the economy and society, in the media and technology, in the environment and at home – is as overwhelming as it is unrelenting.  The ever-increasing quantity of commodities matches the ever-expanding sprawl of commercial outlets, and standing in queues (at the box-office or the restaurant) is a commonplace for all of us. Day in and day our daily lives – whether at work or on our "free" time – we are suffocated by fast-paced experiences in crowded spaces.
With an entertaining style, OVERABUNDANCE/TOO MUCH EVERYWHERE narrates this world with an (inevitable!) abundance of data, examples and anecdotes while also suggesting some possible exit-strategies. At the end of the book, a short survival manual offers the opportunity to the reader to contemplate the possibility that while standing still may not be a solution it may be the first step to salvation.

Giorgio Triani, is a sociologist and a journalist. He teaches sociology at the University of Verona and journalism at the University of Parma. He regularly writes on social issues and advertisement  for Italian periodicals such as «Oggi» and «Famiglia Cristiana». He is the editor of La società dello zapping (2005) and L'album della pubblicità (2006). He also is the author of Bar sport Italia (1994), Casa e supermercato (1996) e Sedotti e comprati (2002) all published by Eleuthera.

«This is a happily apocalyptic essay about a world and a society that have rushed head-on into the era of excess, where everything momentously proliferates and constantly expands.»
rassegna stampa
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