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book data sheet

136 pp.
EAN 9788896904640
Untimely Anthropology
Contrary to what some may presume the kind of anthropology Francesco Remotti espouses is not a consoling representation of the exotic, that brackets off the injustice and the messiness of the world we live in. Remotti's «untimely» anthropology is inspired by Nietzsche's Untimely Meditations, he argues that it is only by looking at other cultures that we can develop a critical stance towards our own culture, and hence adopt an untimely stance towards our present moment and act to change it, to bring about a better future. Untimeliness then implies a necessary act of distancing to avoid being caught into our present to better grasp its limitations and contribute to fully develop its alternative possibilities.

Francesco Remotti (1943), taught cultural anthropology at the university of Turin. He has conducted fieldwork in among the Banande (Democratic Republic of Congo) and from 1979 to 2004 he was head of the Italian ethological Mission in Equatorial Africa. His latest books include Contro l'identitą (1996), Contro natura. Una lettera al Papa (2008), Fare umanitą (2013).
rassegna stampa
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