
Chi Siamo



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The Time of the Cherries
Marco Rovelli

I am the Commune. The multitude of the nameless. The fire that spreads a new time. The celebration of what becomes. The happiness of each and everyone.

Consecrated as the symbol of the Paris Commune by Victor Hugo, who dedicated to her the poem Viro Major, Louise Michel always took side with the humble, whether humans or animals, and did so with such complete abnegation as to gain the name of «Anarchic Saint». This polyphonic tale about the woman who became the most famous Parisian «arsonist», narrates at the same time of those epic days, made of hope and barricades. And it was for those same barricades that this libertarian governess, after training at funfairs to learn how to shoot, left her service in ambulances (the traditional role given to women during revolutionary events) to become a strenuous warrior who Paul Verlain also celebrated. She paid bitterly of course, with prison and deportation, but Louise knew that the time of cherries, the spring of emancipation, would have come sooner or later. And this is what she lived for.
Marco Rovelli, writer and musician, has published narrative news stories, among which Lavorare uccide (Rizzoli, 2008), Il contro in testa (Laterza 2012), La meravigliosa vita di Jovica Jovic (Feltrinelli 2013), as well as novels, such as La guerriera dagli occhi verdi (Giunti 2016). He has collaborated with the Nuovo Canzoniere Italiano as well as deploying his skills in theatrical performances as Homo migrans (with the participation of Moni Ovadia) and The marvellous life of Jovica Jovic (with Moni Ovadia and Jovica Jovic).