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The Psychiatric Prejudice

In this book, rich in 'documentary evidence', Antonucci can prove, rather than just theorise, what the 'psychiatric prejudice' leads to: a conviction without trial, defence or appeal.

"It's no use attacking the mental institution", says Antonucci, "if the attack isn't delivered to the psychiatric judgment which is at its foundation, showing its scientific insubstantiality. Until we abolish what is de facto a prejudice, the reality of psychiatric segregation will continue to flourish inside and outside the asylum's walls". From "the institution denied" to the negation of psychiatry. Indeed, this is the central thesis of Antonucci's book: metal illness is not an illness and psychiatry is not a science. A strong, final claim that may sound incredible if it wasn't based on 250 certainties, as many as Imola's asylum patients that were freed from psychiatric segregation. There is no alternative to psychiatry other than its abolition. Antonucci's use of personal experiences does not cater to a penchant for autobiography, but to invite the reader to look at the reality of things without prejudice, and to come and meet the men and women who've been subjected to psychiatric treatment; personal life experience is there to base criticism on real-life stories, on tangible and irrefutable facts.

GIORGIO ANTONUCCI, (Lucca 1933 - Firenze 2017), MD, worked at Gorizia's Psychiatric Hospital under the direction of Franco Basaglia in 1969. Between 1970 and 1972 he directed the Centro di Igiene Mentale (Mental Health Center) in Castelnuovo ne' Monti (Reggio Emilia). From 1973 onwards he devoted himself to the dismantling of long-term care asylum wards in Imola's Psychiatric Institute, where he was responsible for the Reparto Autogestito (Self-managed Ward) for a long time.

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