A Critique of Totalitarianisms

Luce Fabbri is a first-rate figure in the history of the anarchist movement, and it is exactly her significant clarity in dealing with the dramas of history that makes these texts so close and valuable.
Activist, lecturer in history and literature, essay author and poet, Luce Fabbri was a sensitive witness and conscious protagonist of the events and tragedies that spanned the 20th century. During her life, she addressed many of the most burning political and social issues of her time and did so both by remaining faithful to the socialist roots of Errico Malatesta's anarchism and of her father Luigi's, and by drawing on the most diverse and stimulating currents of contemporary critical thought. In this anthology, Fabbri writes not only about freedom and revolution but also about the nature of the contemporary State and, with particular foresight, the rise of a new and insidious technobureaucratic class. It is precisely this original contribution she makes to the theme of totalitarianism – which she experienced firstly with Italian fascism and then with the 1970s Uruguayan dictatorship – that places her on the same level of the greatest radical intellectuals of the 20th century.
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