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Tra modernizzazione e modernità

prefazione di Erri De Luca
168 pp. / ill.
EAN 9788889490853

Made in Africa
Between Modernity and Modernization

Forward by Erri De Luca
in cooperation with Emergency

Africa is changing, at times it rushes forward, sometimes it recoils, but seldom plays by our rules. Though it may be viewed to be constantly torn between modernity and catastrophe, Africa refuses to be represented through the words and images of others. Raul Pantaleo is an architect who while working for Emergency has travelled extensively throughout the continent. In this book he narrates Africa's desire to build a future that may well be different from the one envisioned by humanitarian organizations. Informed by a logic that defies the linear logic of time and space, this African journey takes the reader to Sudan, Darfur, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Uganda and Libya. It narrates a non holographic reality made up of sweat and dust. The narrative is an intentionally non chronological stream of thoughts and perceptions that focuses on the issue of modernity – the true protagonist of the book – by investigating the origins of processes of modernizations that in Africa (and elsewhere) have often transformed the promise of progress into a reality of marginalization, displacement, poverty and war. For a humanitarian organization such as Emergency, building an hospital at the other end of the world is an attempt to contribute to an inclusive "soft modernity" able to restore the ethical dimension of human activity. In his pages there is the honest rendering of the Africa juorney of a useful man pursuing a life shaped by the desire to share with others the advatages and the privileges derived from being born in a more fortunate region of the Planet.

Raul Pantaleo (Milano 1962), is an architect and the founder of Tamassociati in Venezia. He is professionally involved in the development of and research on participatory bio-ecological projects. He is the author of Un Pisolo in giardino, segni, sogni, simboli alla periferia dell'abitare (2006) and Attenti all'uomo bianco, Emergency in Sudan: diario di cantiere (2007) also published by elèuthera.

rassegna stampa
Mon 09 May 2011 - Avvenire
Made in africa
Wed 06 Oct 2010 - Il Sole 24 Ore
Obiettivo modernità
Tue 05 Oct 2010 - Repubblica.it
Un architetto senza frontiere
Mon 04 Oct 2010 - Case&Stili
Made in Africa
Fri 01 Oct 2010 - Il Gazzettino
Made in Africa
Fri 01 Oct 2010 - Venerdì Repubblica
Diario di bordo di un architetto senza frontiere
Sat 18 Sep 2010 - D Repubblica
Per il bello e per il bene
Sat 11 Sep 2010 - ilTirreno
Diario di un viaggio
Mon 23 Aug 2010 - Internazionale
Made in Africa
Thu 22 Jul 2010 - Repubblica TuttoMilano
I saldi degli editori
Fri 16 Jul 2010 - Left
Africa di carta
Mon 05 Jul 2010 - L'Adige
L'Africa e l'altra libertà
sabato 11 settembre - MADE IN AFRICA - Firenze Fiera
21 ottobre - presentazione Made in Africa - Parma - La Feltrinelli
16 ottobre - presentazione Made in Africa - Marghera Ateneo degli imperfetti
25 settembre - presentazione Made in Africa - S. Artemio
22 ottobre 2010 - presentazione Made in Africa - Caffè Letterario Baciccia - Piacenza
30 novembre - presentazione Made in Africa - Padova
20 novembre - rappresentazione Made in Africa - Bottino, Brescia
10 dicembre - Dialogo tra storie di costruzione - Venezia
25 maggio 2011 - made in africa - Sesto fiorentino