
Chi Siamo



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Foreign Rights




Incorrect recipes. Tales and Dishes of métissage cookery


There are few things that distinguish a people more than its cooking: food is not only taste, but also identity and deep relationship with one's community. Who decides or is forced to live in a foreign country is forced to change his habits and language, but always tries to maintain something of his traditional cooking.  In Italy, a country the identity of which is most due to its cooking tradition, immigration is a quite recent phenomena and the cooking habits of newcomers are often marginalized.

However, in spite of the domination of spaghetti and pizza, there are many curious people who, in the shadow of their kitchens, are beginning to mix tastes and traditions, to create new dishes. The result is a series of incorrect recipes that you cannot find neither in the Italian nor in the ethnic recipe books: with unconventional tastes, new ingredients, flavours that contaminate the correctness of original recipes.


Andrea Perin works in Milan as museum architect and exhibition designer. He is also keen on cooking traditions and published with Elèuthera La fame aguzza l'ingegno, a book of "poor" recipes now at its second edition.