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Foreign Rights




Anarchy in the Making


Today's anarchy can no longer be universalist but rather changeable, partial and heterogeneous. In fact, it moved from tomorrow to today and from the singular to the plural.

By taking the reader to a journey that spans from the 1950s and 1960s anti-Francoist resistance to contemporary uprisings, Tomás Ibáñez runs through his biographical events as well as the main schools of thought and action of contemporary libertarian opposition. Born in Spain and brought up in France in the highly politicised Spanish anarchist exile milieu, unsurprisingly his political activism began when he was still very young. Growing up suspended between two countries and two cultures, Ibáñez joined in the anti-Francoist resistance groups – 'with Spain in his heart', as Camus, one of his mentors, used to say – and, at the same time, took part in the new youth movements of global protest, which would soon explode in May 1968. It was precisely in those "glorious days" that subverted the existing, on the Parisian barricades, that Tomás glimpsed the lines of development of an upcoming anarchism that had to shake off past schemes and orthodoxies. An anarchism that goes outside its walls and is capable not only of being in tune with the many movements from below that emerged over the last decades, but also able to think and act in the new technological era. An era that carries a kind of totalitarianism that is more devious and elusive than those ones experienced in the twentieth century, but just as dangerous.
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